After my naptime post yesterday, I sense that there may be a bit of hesitation over whether or not children love me or are terrified of me. Succumbing to my desperate need for your affections, I have decided to write this post, featuring kids who, as a matter of fact, adore me. In your face!
We'll start with Nina! I don't have a picture of her yet because every time I had my camera she wasn't around, but I'll come back later and add her in with an edit. Nina was a four year old when I started my first (and, admittedly, best) day camp summer. Nina was super spoiled, so sometimes I had to scold her or put her in timeout for various reasons, but she still loved me. Case in point: She still remembers my name and that I was her first day camp teacher. She drew me a little picture one day that I still keep in one of my Chinese language books, since Nina remembered that I was learning Chinese and would always toss Chinese words into her speech and then very nicely explain them to me. God bless her little heart.
This is Mayan!
Mayan was hyperactive and, on occasion, petulant. Between him and his best friend Dhanush, it was a frazzling summer. At one point I just started communicating with his parents who, consequently, also really like me, hahaha! Straight up, though, those are some of the best parents I have ever dealt with ever. Sometimes parents can be just terrible, but Mr. and Mrs. Mayan's Parents were just so. nice. Anyway, I saw his mother earlier this summer and she told me that Mayan had said I was HIS FAVORITE TEACHER, and that he thought he would get to be in my class again. Unfortunately, this was an untruth, as Mayan was now five. Cute, though, no? Even though I had to dole out the discipline, this tiny person still loves meee.
This is Arya!
One of my most cutest little triumphs, Arya liked me so much that she told her dad they had to get to day camp later, so that she wouldn't have to wait for me to come. She would, on occasion, tear up if she heard that I was not around, and I spent the entire month of July reminding her that I would be going to college in August. Literally, by the end of the month, all of my kids knew where I was heading. That didn't keep them from missing me, though! Inside of a care package my family sent while I was doing PFP was a handful of pictures drawn for me by my adorable little charges. I even talked to Arya on the phone and asked her how she was doing, and she said she was sad. I don't like it when kids are sad unless their sadness helps prove my point, so there you go.
This is Hime!
I am especially proud of this example, given that Hime's primary methods of communication take place through either Japanese or silence, neither of which I am very good at, as you all very well know. Hime has only been in my class for barely two weeks, and she already loves me. Proof? Is that what you are all clamoring for? Well, AHA.

That is the little note picture thing that Hime drew for me (and that is Hime sleeping on a cot you can just barely see at the edges of the pictures). She came in with her mother, and it was my first day back from AMI (Tuesday--I took off on Monday). Her mother explained the little card for me since, as I mentioned before, Hime and I do not speak a common language. Apparently, while I was gone for almost all of the week before, HIME WAS SO SAD! So she drew me this little note picture thing, and put sooooo many stickers in it (and you know how kids can be about stickers). After my effusive declarations of love for my new note picture bookmark thing, Hime gave me a hug FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. Gaaah, she is so cute.We have even managed to eek out a few words of English between my persistence and her fondness for Silly Bands. When I am not quick enough to name the animal (or the shape, as apparently these silly bands (...ugh...) also come in a variety of shoes or modes of transportation), Hime tells me what they are. She comes in with a new crop every day! We are going to work on full sentences next! *EDIT* OMGOSH, HIME SPOKE A FULL SENTENCE TO ME!!! In a tiny little voice that I could just barely hear, Hime told me that she has a Barbie bike. Saints alive.
So, I hope that this post has managed to convince everybody that I am not a Nazi disciplinarian with zero capacity to love and be loved (though that evil Wharton quiz would argue differently). Look, evidence! Kids love me, and my own offspring will also love me, most likely. So hah. HAH, I say.
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