This is my analogy for dating within a specific group of people. I came up with it when thinking about GCC, but I assume it holds true for any group. I think it's more applicable with smaller groups like GCC, especially since people in a church are, in general, thought to be more considerate of other people's feelings. So, without further ado, I present to you:
Every young person begins his romantic life with an untouched minesweeper board that looks something like the image below.

Now, boys and girls, there are times when a young man and a young woman will like each other very much. When this happens, they will begin to spend more time with each other so that they can get to know each other better. Before you know it, this young man and this young woman have entered what some people like to call a "dating relationship." One dating relationship is equivalent to one minesweeper click. Let us say that young Johnny has decided to enter a dating relationship with a nice girl named Tracy. Johnny has, in effect, clicked Tracy on his minesweeper board.

Oh, well done, Johnny! Observe: Johnny has managed to successfully enter a relationship with Tracy or, in other words, Johnny has clicked Tracy and has not suffered the devastating effects of an explosion. Explosions, children, are dysfunctional, destructive, or otherwise unhealthy relationships that must be avoided at all cost. So, CONGRATULATIONS, JOHNNY! Of course, there is a flip side to this coin. Johnny has clicked Tracy on his minesweeper board, but look closely. There are now people on his minesweeper board that Johnny will never be able to click again. It would be simply impossible for Johnny to click any of the grayed-out squares closest to his Tracy square. When Johnny decided that he wanted to date Tracy, he pretty much also decided that he did not ever want to date Tracy's best friends Becky, Amy, and Elsie, or Tracy's sisters Stacy and Janine. So you see, children, when you make a choice to date one person, you also make a choice to not date MANY PEOPLE.
Perhaps Johnny and Tracy discover that they are not meant for each other after all. They separate, and Johnny continues on his way in life with his clicked minesweeper board. Suppose, however, that Johnny meets another girl he wants to date. This is entirely plausible--Johnny has many open spaces on his minesweeper board. But do you know what else Johnny has on his minesweeper board?

Imminent destruction.
Johnny needs to be very careful about entering future dating relations, or making further clicks. With every safe click, many other potential clicks are eliminated, leaving fewer potential clicks and an increasing number of explosives. Sometimes, it helps to think things over quite thoroughly and to discuss things with friends and family. Most importantly, Johnny should remember to pray about every potential click. Through careful consideration of God's will for his life, Johnny should be able to steer clear of any bombs, because in his mind they will be marked with red flags. Doing what God wants saves the day, as expected.

Well, I hope that you have all learned a very useful lesson today. Dating is not something to be taken lightly. It requires a great deal of prayer and thought, not only because you want to avoid annihilation by explosive devices, but also because it would be a shame if you missed out on dating someone right for you because you clicked the wrong person first. Go forth, my children, and should you choose to date, date wisely and with a decent amount of protective gear. As Pat Benetar sang first, and countless others after her, "Love is a battlefield."
please note that "Love is a battlefield" came out in the 1980's...generational gap decreasing.
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