Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Random Thought At Weird Time In Odd Place.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Selfishness Christmas List-Amended At Will
Thursday, November 25, 2010
In Which You See The Ugliness Within
I feel like my attitudes have been pretty bad recently. Between classes, RDP, and GCC, I have no idea what’s happening to my life half the time. I don’t know what my grades are going to look like at the end of this semester, but conservative estimates all read “extraordinarily mediocre.” I don’t know if I’m going to keep trying to double major, which means I don’t know what I’m actually going to major in and I have no idea what to tell my mother if what I wind up with isn’t totally legit. Not to diss anyone, but if I come home with a major in Comparative Literature, my mother will die. Also, I like books, but I don’t think I’m too huge a fan of literature, so that’s not a real plan anyway. I’m stressed because if my GPA some drops below a 3.0, I might not be able to do study abroad stuff. I basically have no wiggle room, and I’m worried and scared. Everyone else I know and live with is doing fine in their respective places, and yet I’m struggling to do basic things. I think I’m just going to take five classes next semester. Heck, maybe I’ll just take four and grant myself a recovery period from all of this horror. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed at the state of things (I’m not flunking or anything, but the state of things by Penn standards) and I just want to sit down and cry for a minute. My heart feels all knotted.
RDP’s gallery got finished up, but between the actual opening of the gallery and all of the marketing type stuff, my attitude toward that grew worse as well. I woke up early on two separate days to go pick up poles because no one else was available-fine, whatever. I taped and posted the building signs by myself, but that’s my own deal because I just didn’t feel like waiting for the other two members of the marketing team to free up when I could just as easily do it alone, albeit with a lot of internal griping. It was all of the remaining stuff that’s irritated me. I keep forgetting to pick up the signs, which means that they are most likely totally destroyed by now, because they will have been removed and thrown away. They won’t be happy about that. I won’t really know what to tell them other than I’m human and I’m not the only human on the marketing team. We also got our poles taken down for us, because one member of the team responded that she would take care of it and then didn’t. Every time I think about RDP stuff, I just feel weary, even though I love the group itself. It’s interesting, it’s fun, and I’ve met some very nice people. Maybe I’m just not responsible enough to handle being in an actual position. That’s on me, too. But even though I recognize that everything is basically my fault, I can’t stop feeling like I want to blame everyone else. Maybe that’s just a human thing, too. *sigh*.
When it comes to GCC, I think I’ve made it pretty clear to almost anyone in my life that GCC and, within GCC, family group, are my favorite things. I’ve grown so much at GCC and continue to grow, and Lord knows I spend the majority of my time doing things with and for GCC and that I’m thrilled to do it. But my attitude is, again, super horrible, because so many times recently I feel so bitter toward certain people, even though I know I have nothing to feel proud in and therefore nothing about me warrants pat-on-the-back type behavior or anything. Nonetheless, I sometimes just struggle to do things for the sake of doing them for God’s glory, and not for the sake of being appreciated by anyone or loved any more by anyone. I think a large part of me loves family group for the people, which is fine sometimes but I think in my case is turning out to be a bad thing, because I’m so worried all the time about whether or not they like me. Unfortunately, one of my least favorite feelings is that of liking someone more than they like me. It’s happening with all three of my family group leaders. I think Jenn likes me more now, so that’s gratifying, but I’m always wondering how I can make her like me more. I adore Little Boots and I’m inclined to believe that the feelings are almost mutual. As long as I continue to profess my fondness for Joseph Gordon-Levitt we should be okay on a superficial level. Kevin’s been my family group leader for a year and a half now, but lightning strike me if don’t constantly worry that I’m just a pain in the neck. Everyone knows that Kevin’s one of my favorite people. I’m working on scaling that back, because the more important I make people, the more I want to be important, too, but you can’t demand the same things from everybody you demand from yourself. With the other actual members of Superglue I’m far more secure. I adore Jihae. I’m so glad that we’re in Superglue together and that we’re friends now. I also have the lovely Petal, who’s so awesomely affectionate that I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about being loved by her. For everyone else, we’re all at pretty level ground. We don’t know each other very well, so our feelings about each other are pretty much equal. As far as Cruz and Benjie are concerned, I know them from outside of GCC and I’m secure in the aspects of our friendship that don’t concern God, but the rest is all stuff I’ll need to make a conscious effort to develop.
This whole post has no coherence and no underlying theme. It’s just a general mash-up of everything I’ve been feeling recently that I needed an outlet for. I’m such a needy, desperate person. From school, I need these grades and from RDP I need breathing room and from GCC and the people in it I’m desperate for love. And in all of this crap that I can feel suffocating me from time to time, I have the little pocket of oxygen that is Jesus Christ. How sad is it that He’s just the little pocket? I just need more air and I don’t know how to get it. It’s not like I’m not trying. I am trying, but nothing is good enough. I try really hard in classes and I can’t break past a particular grade barrier. I try to do my best in RDP but I just can’t prioritize it over school and GCC. I try to so hard to make the people at GCC love me but I’m so needy that it never feels like enough. And then I try to make my oxygen pockets of Christ larger, but it’s like I fail all the time. Sometimes I try to envision my future and all I can see is sadness and loneliness, albeit with a Bible in hand. If my life feels so frenetic now, what’ll become of me later? I try to have joy and happiness all of the time, but inevitably I end up back here again—insecure and sad, a hopeless little girl who barely counts as a developed human being. To top it all off, it’s Thanksgiving. I didn’t even think to write first about things I’m thankful for. *sigh*
Show me a way out.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thanks for this.
Monday, October 18, 2010
He's Up To Something
Monday, October 4, 2010
I Love You.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ugh, Ew, Boys, Get Them Away From Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mom: "So, how is [insert name here] doing?" Me: "Ew/Taken/Gay." Basically, my mother will just be thrilled if I tell her that I've found someone likable/available/straight, let alone if I start dating him.
- Dad #1: "Hey, how are the boys down there? Are you beating them off with a stick? When can I meet your boyfriends?" Yes, he pluralizes. Listening to him is just awful, since I feel like I'm behind the curve here and should have already had multiple romantic entanglements. Whoops.
- Dad #2: "So...Tave...any guys down there that you uh, might be interested in?" Oh, Dad #2. Just so heartbreakingly expectant. Maybe one of these days, Dad #2.
- Ari: "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, will you just start DATING already?! What the heck are you waiting for?! You're surrounded by all of these hot college guys!!! Tell them I'm almost eighteen." Omgosh, ew. I seriously fear for her after this year.
- Tydra (my aunt): "You're so Puritanical." This is basically her opinion of pretty much everything that I do(n't do).
- Grannie Rie: "Any nice boys down there?" Painfully hopeful!!! Oh, how I would be thrilled to present her with great-grandchildren, but further down the road and in wedlock.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Just a snippet stream of consciousness
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Grrarrggghhhhhuuuggghhh *weep*
Friday, August 27, 2010
I'm Not Really That Deep
- Monday: I journeyed into downtown Chicago with 2013's very own Sunny Kang. It was great; we totally did the tourist thing. Even after Sunny's digital camera battery ran out, we weren't going to let that stop us from serious selca-ing (yeah, that's right, I just casually dropped some non-English slang into a sentence). We stopped in a Walgreen's on the magnificent mile and bought some disposables! Which I still need to have developed, btdubs, so I'll have to do that first thing tomorrow since I leave on Sunday!!! I also went out with two of my friends from home later that night and saw the mind-numbing Eat, Pray, Love. I wanted to kill myself both during and after the movie. I should have killed myself beforehand and spared my brain the viewing. Nearly three hours of my life, wasted. Eat, Pray, Shoot Me.
- Tuesday: I spent until the wee hours of Tuesday morning taking down my braids, stopping to sleep at 4 am when I had dismantled my entire head and had combed out my hair. I snagged six hours of sleep and then woke up to finish the job. First, I took pictures, since I did promise. The first set of pictures were with my large, relatively straighter afro. Then I washed my hair with some serious business black people shampoo and conditioner and took more pictures with the smaller, curlier afro. All of these pictures are on Facebook for your viewing pleasure, as you will never, ever get to see me without braids in person. I'm not even going to apologize for that. The rest of Tuesday was spent bumming around until it was time for my appointment. Gigi, the woman I've been going to for the past couple of years, is a wicked fast braider but often schedules appointments right on top of each other so that you're waiting at least an hour before she even starts on you. She didn't disappoint on Tuesday. I was late, practically on purpose since I expected the sitting, and even after all that. Still with the sitting. Yeesh. I read a book and a half, tried to play my Nintendo DS, nodded off, and participated eagerly in Wheel of Fortune. I also watched the most of an episode of Wipeout I ever have, and it was hilarious. The Smackwall...HAHAHA.
- Wednesday: Well, something happened on Wednesday, but what was it? Oh, the great phone hunt. My sister and I have been trying to get new phones, and finally we decided on the phone and what have you, but ordering online didn't work. I needed to go to some store and verify my identity or some crap like that. So then we do that, but we can't get any of the discounts at the store. Turns out AT&T authorized retailers are franchised out like Subways or whatever, so that was just a super frustrating five hour long experience, arguing with salespeople and then schlepping all over the place in search of the phones we wanted. The store in the mall FIVE MINUTES AWAY from our house agreed to give us all of the discounts, but they haven't gotten the phones yet. A salesperson named Kelly promised me they'd be in tomorrow afternoon. We shall see.
- Thursday: I did a great deal of packing and laundry on Thursday. The phones hadn't come in, which I know because I called and asked.*Sigh*. I don't remember anything else of note happening on this day. I am running out of money, I think, was a thought that went through my head. Should I have worked this week, was the next thought, but I promptly laughed it out the door and slammed it shut and bolted it and forbid it reentry.
- Friday: That's today, so yeah. Did some more packing and singing to my Grooveshark playlist. My mom came home in the middle of the day to drop of my sister and told me that she had given our daycamp boss what for, which greatly pleased me because I have never been fond of that man. He manages to make everything all about himself, unless it comes to taking responsibility in which case he deflects like nuts. And then, this one time, the 3-5 year age group was on a field trip at this place that had paddle boats. All of my kids were like, Wheeennnnn can we go to the boats, Miss Tavi, and finally we made it to the boats, and the line was astronomical. So we're waiting and waiting and the daycamp boss man gets in line with us ahead of like, two families. And I was like, Um...? And tried to shoot meaningful glances and the people he had just jumped, and he was just sort of, Ho hum. Oh, I'm getting so annoyed just thinking about this next bit. He puts his son IN FRONT OF MY KIDS. Who had been waiting, so patiently, and they were being so well-behaved even though it was like a million degrees. And I was like, EXCUSE ME? But not, because he had the power to fire me, and I was just giving him very disapproving looks. I am so glad I am never working there again, because now if he ticks me off I can just say so. I have no respect for that dude. Sorry if I'm disappointing anyone. Anyway, that was a huge digression. Basically, my mom came back with Ari and brought me a salad, which was great because I was wondering what I could make to eat out of three Hershey kisses, a cheese stick, and some butterscotch candies. Nothing delicious or healthy, I can tell you that. Okay...maybe delicious. Then my mom reminded me that I had to turn in my work key, and I was like, Oh crap, because I totes did not remember where I'd left that thing. So instead of bumming around at home while my sister went to her last ever high school orientation, I went, too, so that I could search our car for it. Our car is a straight up disaster, so this is more serious than it sounds. BUT I FOUND IT, hallelujah, Lord be praised. I was starting to work my way up to getting stressed. I also won a raffle at this new brainy store that opened up in Woodfield mall, so I got a free board game. It's the junior version, and the guy behind the counter wouldn't let me upgrade it, which irked me, but whatever. It still seems fun. And it was free, so really, who am I to complain? On the way back home I texted furiously with Ama, who is fed up with our BFFLS Jing and Bryant (and I don't blame her; those boys need replacing) and has also been plotting something nefarious with our other roommate Melanie. She still won't tell me what it is, but I have only bad feelings about this. They never want to convince me to do anything like, I don't know, save kittens or something. It's always, Octavia, go date some boys. Octavia, let's all get matching tattoos in the future. Hah! I don't think so.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
This Post Is Of Next to No Significance.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Even So, Amen.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I have murder on my mind. But not in a creepy way.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Eenie Meenie Miney Mo, Should I Stay or Should I Go, and other answered questions.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This Tuesday: Places Frogs Should Not Be and Kids Say the Darndest Things
Monday, July 5, 2010
Prayer Eureka (may they be plentiful)
Friday, July 2, 2010
I'll take every blessing I can get.
Critics agree--Miss Tavi is "absolutely lovable!", "fun for the whole family!", and worthy of "FIVE STARS!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010
"I Want Grandchildren, But Not Too Early" and other reasons why discipline is important.